Happy Palm Sunday!
This is the day we celebrate Jesus' humble entry into Jerusalem riding on a donkey. The Jews had been waiting a long time for a king that God had promised to send them. They were waiting for a warrior to save them from the Romans. If a king rode into town on a horse, it meant he was at war, but a king riding a donkey was a sign of peace. Jesus, the Prince of Peace was coming to save the world from sin.
Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week. During this week, we are reminded of events leading up to Jesus' death on the cross and His resurrection.
Hosanna! “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!”

Read with Me
Choose your favorite Bible and ask your parents to read along with you.
Jesus' Triumphal Entry
Matthew 21:1-11
Mark 11:1-10
Vocabulary Words
Triumphal means "celebration"
​Hosanna means "save"
What did Jesus tell the disciples to go and find before he went into Jerusalem?
What did the people do when they saw Jesus on the donkey?
What did the people say when they welcomed Jesus?
How will you worship Jesus today?

Saddleback Kids
Wright Ideas with Susan

Dear God,
Thank you God for loving us so much that you sent your son Jesus. Thank you Jesus for being our Savior and King.
In Jesus' name,