Welcome back everyone!
We are so glad that you have joined us!
This week we will continue with another one of Jesus' parables. Remember that a parable is a short story that Jesus told that has a bigger meaning.
Do you like grapes? Have you ever seen them on the vine? They grow in bunches on vines. The vines come out of the ground and provide nutrition needed to produce fruit. Grapes have to stay close to the branch and vines to keep giving fruit. If a grape falls off the vine, it will not be fresh and juicy anymore. It will dry up. Watch the video to learn the meaning of Jesus's parable of the "The Vine and the Branches".
We love you!!!
The Christian Education Ministry

Read with Me
Memory Verse
I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you stay joined to me, and I to you, you will produce plenty of fruit. But separated from me you won't be able to do anything. John 15:5 ERV
Choose your favorite Bible and ask your parents to read along with you.
The Vine and the Branches
John 15:1-15

Pursue God Kids

Jesus is the vine and we are the branches.
If we stay connected to Jesus, we will grow in our faith.
We must be connected to Jesus to grow.
When we stay connected to Jesus we produce fruit like -- love, kindness, self-control and more.

Dear God,
Thank you for Jesus. Please help me to stay connected to Him so that I can grow.
In the name of Jesus I pray.