Welcome boys and girls!
We are so glad that you have joined us today. We are praising God and celebrating the boys and girls that have asked Jesus to be their Forever Friend!!! They have asked Jesus to save them from their sins. They have put their faith in Him.
Knowing Jesus is your Friend is just the beginning. Once you put your trust in Him, you become a part of God's family and should live a new kind of life. What does that mean and how do we do that?
We invite you each week to join us so you can learn how to grow in your faith.
God bless you!
The Christian Education Ministry

Read with Me
God - The Father, Creator of the world
Jesus - God's Son
Holy Spirit - God who comes to live in our heart when we make Jesus our Forever Friend
Bible - God's holy Word
Choose your favorite Bible and ask your parents to read along with you.
How to Live as a Christian
2 Corinthians 5:17

How to Live as a Christian Kid
Live to Honor God
When we ask Jesus to be our Forever Friend, something special happens. Not only are we saved from our sins, but the Holy Spirit comes to live in our hearts. The Holy Spirit teaches and helps us to understand what God expects of us. He gives us the strength to live a new life the way God wants us to.
God provides for us to learn how to live in the way that honors Him. He gives us:
The Spirit to lead us and give us strength to live the new life.
The Bible (God's Word) to guide us. Read your Bible everyday.
Other Christians to help us - our parents, teachers, Pastor.

Dear God,
Thank you for providing the help I need so that I can live to honor you.
In Jesus' name,