Happy Fourth of July!
Today is the day America celebrates Independence Day. Many people celebrate with parades, cook outs with family and friends and fireworks. Did you know that it is also a great day to study God's Word?
Let's continue the study of Joshua and see how God made a way when there was no way.
Have a blessed week.
The Christian Education Ministry

Read with Me
Memorial - something to remind us of a person or event.
Choose your favorite Bible and ask your parents to read along with you.
Crossing the Jordan
Joshua 3-4

Saddleback Kids

Think about It
God had called Joshua and the people of Israel to take the Promised Land. Joshua did everything that God said, but there was one big problem. The Jordan River stood between the Promised Land and the people of God. But no obstacle is too great for God. In an amazing demonstration of His power, and just as He had done in the Exodus, God held back the Jordan River so the people could cross on dry land and begin life in the Promised Land.
To help the Israelites remember all that He had done for them, God had them pile twelve large stones from the middle of the Jordan, one on top of the other, to make a memorial.
Adapted from https://sundayschoolzone.com/bible-story/god-stopped-the-jordan-river/

Dear God,
Thank you for doing amazing things. Please help me to remember that nothing is too hard for you.
In Jesus’ name,