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Family with Tablet



Dazzling Light

Hi Boys and Girls,


It's a great day to study God's Word! 


In today's lesson we will see that the people had to make a choice between who they would follow, Baal (false god) or God (the one true God). A false god is also known as an idol. An idol is an object or something made by man that is worshiped like a god. 


Boys and girls, as children of God, we choose to follow the one true God. 


We love you!

The Christian Education Ministry


Image by Aaron Burden

Read with Me

Memory Verse


"Do not worship idols. Do not make statues of gods for yourselves. I am the Lord your God."


Leviticus 19:4 ERV

Choose your favorite Bible and ask your parents to read along with you.  


Elijah and the Prophets of Baal

1Kings 18:16-39

Steep Mountains

Think about It

There was a drought (no rain) in the land for three years. God told Elijah to go see King Ahab and tell him I will send rain on the land. Ahab was an evil King who did not love God or worship him and because of that, many of the people of Israel were led away from the worship of the true God.


Elijah bravely asked the king to gather all the people together at Mount Carmel for a contest to see whose god was real. 450 prophets of the false god, Baal and 400 prophets of Asherah, also attended. Elijah asked the prophets of Baal to build altars to their “gods”. The “god” that made fire appear would be the real god. The prophets prayed and chanted all day, but they could not get their “gods” to send fire down to burn the sacrifices on their altars. Finally, Elijah had his altar soaked in water and then prayed to the Lord to send fire. Fire immediately burned the sacrifice, the wood, stones, soil and even the water that had overflowed into the ditches around the altar.


When all the people saw this, they fell on their faces and cried, "The Lord, He is God! The Lord, He is God!" After this miracle, rain also came to end the drought.


Which God do you follow? Why?


Adapted from

Dazzling Light

Lifetree Kids





Lord God,


Help us to see that you are the one, true God. May we always serve you and follow your commands. In the name of Jesus we pray.




Christian Faith Baptist Church

509 Hilltop Drive

Raleigh, NC 27610


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